Sei Querce Vineyards
Located in charming Geyserville, California, in the Sonoma Valley, SEI QUERCE VINEYARDS is a fully sustainable vineyard, accompanied by a CCOF California Certified Organic Farm. Whenever possible, fossil fuels are eliminated in the farming process and the project uses "no till" style farming methods. In the place of commercial chemical weed inhibitors or mechanical extraction, the farm uses grazing sheep to maintain the ground cover.
Currently, work has begun on the Hillside Residence, Operations Barn and the Tasting Room. Each of these individual structures is an LEED project with the goal of attaining LEED Platinum Certification.
THE VILLA, which is reminiscent of Old Tuscany, sits high on the ridge overlooking the vineyards. The residence is constructed of ICF - Integrated Concrete Form - which utilizes 100% recycled polystyrene, FSC Certified Lumber packages, Wool Insulation and Bio-based spray foam insulation. Color integrated plasters are being used throughout the residence. Rainwater Catchment Systems, Solar Heated Radiant and domestic water and a Solar PV System services the Villa. The landscape design follows the LEED native landscaping and water restrictive principles.