Ecostruction was founded on sustainable building principles. Our company and crew have been designing and constructing with these concepts, since 1996. Our continued commitment to our environment, building quality, advanced design,and craftsmanship, are evident in every structure we build.
Ecostruction has won multiple awards for their sustainable designs, completed the most pointed LEED Platinum home in the Nation, and constructed the first Bamcore Bamboo plywood commercial structure to date. We pride ourselves on our Green Building knowledge and look forward to helping with any Residential, Industrial or commercial project.
We believe that the built environment is a direct reflection of the relationship we have with the planet. As builders, we feel responsible to participate in the growing consciousness about our effect on the environment.

How we Can Help You
we offer full service - Construction, design, drafting, and engineering services
1 hr
110 US dollars3 hr
$75 per hour-3hr min